Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Goddess

gURL.comI took the "hindu goddess" personality quiz on
i am...

Like Lakshmi, you are naturally blessed. You might not have a bunch of money, but what you do have are multiples of wealth in other ways, perhaps made up by great friends or a supportive family. Chances are you also like to spread your fortune...Read more...

Which Devi are you?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

  • My Comic so far doesn't seem to have any dialogue....does that still make it a comic? All the words I have are like narration but I don't think I want her to speak either, such a silent character... but I hoped that the pictures really tell the story I am trying to explain.
  • Also, I don't want to read my comic for presentation. I don't know why but the thought of that makes me embarrassed. I think I am just gonna scan my pictures and the I'll bring the file on a jump drive to school and somehow upload them on the TV(not sure how I will do that...)Then everyone can look at the pictures while I talk about my project and if they can see the words then they can read it too themselves and if they can't see then... they'll just have to have the pictures tell the story. ^-^
I am having a problem finding the correct eyes for my character. I kept doodling different eyes but the dont seem to match the face that I envisioned for her in my head. I wanted like big wide eyes with long thick eyelashes on the side of the eyelid. also the feet are difficult i keep drawing them too small or too big. Can't wait too see how this comes out....
okay so thanks to manga tutorials I know how to outline my story, its gonna start from when my character was born to my education then how to get to Japan and the conclusion. I have decided that I dont want to name my character because I dont think its important to know, its her journey that is most important, to me at least. I didnt want to name her Shannan, after me, because she isnt exactly myself cuz I havent gone past 9th grade yet and I dont think I will do exactly what shes does, but shes more like a guideline for me of what i can do.

Manga Tutorials

I found this great website that helped me alot in the making of my comic its called and it gives examples on how to make a good comic from the parts of the body, creating the story and the different paneling. I now realized how difficult it is to find the right panels to match your pictures flow. I will definitely have to practice this for my project next year.

Monday, October 1, 2007

I just bought a new manga called Othello. I like the way the artist draws people. I'm looking at how they organized each picture and how the pictures move from one scene to the next. I don't think its a very good story though because the story seems plotless and doesn't really tell any secret message. I will still use it for help because its well drawn and the pictures are well positioned.
For a Japanese Project I had to have a picture of my families so, i sketched a picture of my family to practice my drawing. I also found a news article online about the canidate for Prime minister of Japan talking about manga(comics) which I found very interesting. That showed that comics are not only for kids, but can be enjoyed by anyone of any age or social standing.